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Published :
14/08/2018 09:04:56
Categories :
Latest News
In this blog, we’re catching up with Ruth Chappell, part of our Skills team and the lady behind Dressage Anywhere! Ruth does an amazing job of promoting a service based ‘product’, utilising all her social media platforms well to grow her audience and engagement. She’s also a full on Hiho fan… and you get to meet her too…
What do you particularly enjoy about your business or blog?
I love watching partnerships develop and hearing about riders working through our dressage judge’s feedback to improve their next performance. I particularly love it when one of our members moves up a level or feels they’ve gained enough confidence to go on to compete at a live event.
What are you looking forward to sharing during the Hiho SSS event
I’m looking forward to sharing how I’ve embraced the power of the flat lay and how it’s transformed our social media images.
What’s your superpower?
Plate spinning! I run all the day to day operations at Dressage Anywhere, plus everything else!
What’s something you’re not so good at?
I strive for perfection, rather than just good enough, sometimes just good enough will move you further forward that you believe.
What are you looking forward to learning/seeing at SSS?
I’m looking forward to seeing how people apply the things they’ve learned, how they translate it to their own brand, be that a business or personal brand.
One thing we might not know about you?
I won a beautiful bonny baby competition and a holiday to Tenerife.
What are you most proud of?
Changing my career later in life, believing in myself and making the leap.
Any advice for anyone coming to SSS?
Don’t assume that everyone else has got it nailed!
Tea or coffee?
Favourite cake?
I love ALL cake.
Something you can’t live without?
My planner. Even though I love all things tech, I’ve gone back to a paper planner which is always open on my desk and keeps my goals alive and fresh in my mind.
Filter or no filter?
As a rule of thumb, no filter, but as I’m not the world’s best photographer, a little filter to bring something to life is allowed every now and then.
Have you thought about what you’re wearing for the event? Any hints or tips for anyone attending?
Something comfortable and flat shoes! Probably teamed up with a bit of Mackenzie & George and Hiho.
Where can we find you online?
We’re online at www.dressageanywhere.com, Facebook @DressageAnywhere, Instagram @dressage_anywhere, Twitter @Dressage_comp.
Fancy coming and joining us for the day? Buy your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/style-skills-silver-with-hiho-tickets-48620226406