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Published :
15/08/2018 09:54:02
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What do you particularly enjoy about your business or blog?
The diversity and seeing the brands I work with grow and develop. I know that sounds really lame and a textbook answer, but it’s true – I get a real kick out of something I’ve worked on with a client doing well… I work with the most amazing people and they deserve to do well. I just help the world see their brilliance!
What are you looking forward to sharing during the Hiho SSS event
I’m just keen to chat to people and help them with their businesses. I work with a lot of smaller businesses and it can be really lonely being a business owner. I started my Small & Supercharged Facebook group to help reduce this and allow people the chance to learn and network. To me, the SSS Skills bit is going to feel a lot like a real life version of this and that makes me really excited.
What’s your superpower?
Ummm… I can sniff out cake from 20 paces? That is a skill I’m proud of, but I think I also see things differently. I’m known for being able to make things works when others can’t, and to promote people and products in innovative and effective ways, even when there’s no budget. My mind works stupidly fast and runs with an idea and develops it in seconds, which is kind of great for clients. It doesn’t work like this when my husband asks me what’s for dinner though. I think it’s focused in on business, marketing and social media.
What’s something you’re not so good at?
Saying no. Seriously. I’m a people pleaser. Also I seem to believe I can bend the laws of time and space. Turns out I can’t. And accounts. I do not like accounts…
What are you looking forward to learning/seeing at SSS?
The photography elements. I love photography and have learnt a huge amount from Sophie and Rachel, but I also really love seeing HOW things work in real life, and I can’t wait for that!
One thing we might not know about you?
Ummm… that’s a tough one… I actually qualified as a riding instructor when I was much younger and hold my BHS Grooms Certificate.
What are you most proud of?
I think it would have to be my children. They’re rather special.
Any advice for anyone coming to SSS?
Don’t worry about it. I’ve had a few people send me Dms saying they’re a bit worried they won’t know anyone. But you know us all really! And you’ll know everyone there properly in a matter of minutes on the day.
Tea or coffee?
Favourite cake?
There are very few cakes I don’t like. At the moment, I’m loving lemon drizzle. But can you beat a good chocolate cake? I’m not sure you can.
Something you can’t live without? Sadly it would be my iPhone.
Filter or no filter?
No filter but I do tweak the brightness as needed on some images in Lightroom (thank you Sophie for helping me work that!!)
Have you thought about what you’re wearing for the event? Any hints or tips for anyone attending?
I have… but then I get distracted. I’m going to wear my Really Wild jacket because I bought it in the sale at Badminton and have been looking for an opportunity to wear it since! I wore it for about 10 mins at my photoshoot with Sophie Callahan and it was lovely but I think the temp was 30+ degrees. Which isn’t the weather for tweed. Advice would be go for comfort. I will be!
Where can we find you online?
Fancy coming and joining us for the day? Buy your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/style-skills-silver-with-hiho-tickets-48620226406
Photo Credit: Sophie Callahan