01460 221006
Published :
09/08/2018 10:48:01
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Latest News
If you’ve seen the beautiful flat lay image for this event, you’ll already be familiar with some of Rachel’s work. She does a lot of work with us at Hiho but, in addition to this, is also an equine and canine photographer and undertakes other commercial photography work too. She’s also a brand ambassador for Hiho and we’re delighted that she’ll be part of the Skills team at the event!
What do you particularly enjoy about your business or blog?
The diversity! One day I could be photographing a fabulous horse with his loving owner and witnessing the amazing relationship they’ve developed together. The next day it could be a barrel of laughs with a litter of puppies or a wayward spaniel causing chaos around me. Another time I might be working on a commercial product based shoot for a rural or equestrian based business or I could be playing around creating flat lay images from any of the versions of previously mentioned days. My days may bring one of these or all of these and that keeps me challenged and healthily happy in what I do in my chosen career. Having the freedom to work in this way means it rarely feels like ‘work’.
What are you looking forward to sharing during the Hiho SSS event?
The skills I’ve taught myself with the art of flat lay. I love sharing what I’ve learned for my own business in this way and how this kind of content can really attract the eye and engage potential clients.
What’s your superpower?
List Writing…. I reckon I might be the Queen of Lists!
What’s something you’re not so good at?
I ramble… why say things in 5 words when 9 are available!
What are you looking forward to learning/seeing at SSS?
Oh, where to begin. I guess it would be seeing how others would put their own perspective on how clothes and accessories could be put together. My personal styling is a bit poor!
One thing we might not know about you?
I used to ‘commute’ to Zurich on a regular basis in an old corporate life.
What are you most proud of?
Stepping away from a very comfortable salary to pursue my dreams & still paying the bills.
Any advice for anyone coming to SSS?
Come with an open mind and your camera, even if that’s just your phone camera.
Tea or coffee?
Tea 90% of the time. White tea first thing or with cake, black otherwise. Coffee is black.
Favourite cake?
Any that start with C and end in E.
Something you can’t live without?
I think we can all live without most things, but probably (and sadly) my phone.
Filter or no filter?
No Filter.
Have you thought about what you’re wearing for the event?
Any hints or tips for anyone attending? The only thing I know 100% will be my Fairfax & Favor Kensington ankle boots, my treat at Badminton this year, and naturally my Hiho Silver collection. I’d say be comfortable in your choices and be yourself...
Where can we find you online?
Fancy coming and joining us for the day? Buy your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/style-skills-silver-with-hiho-tickets-48620226406