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Published :
13/08/2018 13:29:35
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Today you’re meeting the lovely Harriet Edwards, aka A Girl About Country, who is part of our Style team! Harriet started blogging because of her rather amazing collection of country attire, and the messages that followed her posts about what to wear and what she was wearing. Harriet’s one of our brand ambassadors and has worked with us on a number of projects before, including styling Imogen Murray as part of our sponsorship of last year’s best dressed at the Horsequest Burghley Trot Up!
What do you particularly enjoy about your business or blog?
My blog is a hobby, so I need to enjoy everything about it in order to use what little spare time I have creating it! It's completely different to my day job and it provides an outlet for me to share my love for the countryside and particularly country style. I've always been so passionate about country style and changing perceptions to demonstrate that country IS style - something that has not been widely regarded until very recently and I like to think that even if I've played a miniscule part in that change of perception, well that makes my blog worthwhile and that's the best bit about it for me.
What are you looking forward to sharing during the Hiho SSS event
Hmmm, tricky one! We have so many amazing bloggers, vloggers, photographers and talented people taking part in the event that so much useful and interesting stuff is going to be covered by everyone. So from me in particular, I think I'm looking forward to sharing my country style and helping people to create their own country style. I spent a very long time trying to fit in with a mould, what I thought style should be and now I've finally learnt that style should be unique, it should be you - so I want to share that with everyone during the event.
What’s your superpower?
I'm not sure I really have any, but I am particularly brilliant at having unrealistic expectations of how much I can fit into one day! So if I had to say anything, I think it would organization and/or multitasking. My days seemed to be planned by the minute to squeeze as much in as possible
What’s something you’re not so good at?
Believe it or not, confidence. I'm very insecure particularly with how I look so creating my blog really pushes me out of my comfort zone. I'm also really bad at setting myself unnecessarily high standards, but then you don't achieve if you don't push yourself. Oh the list could go one with this question but I think i'll stop there!
What are you looking forward to learning/seeing at SSS?
Where to start! As I said, the talent that will be on hand at SSS really is a rare opportunity - you don't often get so many amazing people giving up their time in one room so everyone that attends really is in for a treat! I'm looking forward to learning how to take great pictures from our photography queens but most of all I'm looking forward to meeting everyone that attends. It's going to be a really special day and I'm so happy to be just a small part of it.
One thing we might not know about you?
Hmm what wouldn't you know about me? I share quite a lot...Ok, fun story - when I was 2 1/2 I fell off my rocking horse and severely broke my arm. My dad was in the bath at the time and thought I was being a wimp when I said I'd hurt my arm, until I walked in and the bone was sticking out like a banana! A year later, Mum and Dad bought me my first horse...clearly I couldn't be trusted on the rocking horse anymore!
What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of my academic achievements because I've worked so hard for them. I never get to tell anyone because I sound like a show off but my proudest moment was achieving a first class in my BSc (Hons) and MSc...so much so I continued learning whilst working full time and I'm so proud to say that I'm just about to complete my second MSc!
Any advice for anyone coming to SSS?
Don't worry about it. Please don't think that it's not for you, because it absolutely is! It's going to be such an amazing day and the best thing about it is that everyone's welcome, whether you have 1 or 100000 social medial follower.
Tea or coffee?
Always tea, I wish I was sophisticated enough for coffee but I'm definitely a tea girl./
Favourite cake?
I love a classic Victoria sponge but I cant resist anything with chocolate in it.
Something you can’t live without?
My family, (cats and horses included!) I don't know what I'd do without them.
Filter or no filter?
I am a fan of an insta filter because I think it can enhance your photo - if used properly. But I try really hard to make a huge deal of the fact that everything I post is a true and accurate reflection, so I don't use any editing programs or think too hard about filters.
Have you thought about what you’re wearing for the event? Any hints or tips for anyone attending?
As part of the style team and author of a style blog I am definitely thinking about what to wear - all eyes are going to be on us to provide style advice so we need to look good! My top tip; which sounds cliché but I really live by - be comfortable. If you wear something that you think looks good/think you should but you feel awkward all day, you're just going to feel rubbish and concentrate on how uncomfortable you are rather than enjoying the day. Wear what feels good for you - not what you think you should wear because other people may be wearing it.
Where can we find you online?
Fancy coming and joining us for the day? Buy your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/style-skills-silver-with-hiho-tickets-48620226406