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Published :
09/12/2019 10:54:03
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Hiho Silver is delighted to announce its support of another charity, the Jemima Layzell Trust. It has created a collection of jewellery that will donate 25% of the money from each piece to the charity.
Jemima Layzell was a Somerset girl who died unexpectedly from a brain aneurism at just 13 years old. Following the aneurism, there were days when it was thought Jemima would survive, and would have lived with severe disabilities including loss of speech and inability to communicate. Following her untimely death, a Trust was set up in her name to help support children with brain injury, by providing specialist equipment and therapy. The money raised through this Collection will help support the amazing work of the trust.
“We’re really thrilled to be able to support this charity – Jemima was known to our family before her death, so having the chance to give back and help support such an amazing cause makes us really happy,” said Emma Warren, Managing Director for Hiho Silver. “The initial Collection is made up of three pieces and is being officially launched now, to coincide with the charity’s Organs for Organs event, and the creative writing competition running with the Jemima Layzell Trust as Jemima was keen to become a writer. All pieces make great gifts and really do keep giving thanks to the donation with each one.”
The Collection is currently made up of a Roller Bead, Roller Charm, and a Friendship Bracelet, all with a beautiful sterling silver rose as the main feature. The Friendship Bracelet features the rose on plaited cord in the Trust’s signature pink, and the other two pieces can be attached to bracelets and necklaces as the wearer wishes.
Prices start from £25 with 25% of each piece being donated to the Trust.
To find out more about these pieces see www.hihosilver.co.uk, and to find out more about the Jemima Layzell Trust, see www.jemimalayzell.com.