Style, Skills & Silver – getting to know Karen McConnell

Published : 09/08/2018 10:41:59
Categories : Latest News

Style, Skills & Silver – getting to know Karen McConnell
In our third #styleskillsandsilver series, we catch up with Karen McConnell. Karen is a brand ambassador of ours and lives up in Scotland where she runs KA Equestrian. In addition to this, Karen is a style and lifestyle blogger through her Karen & Clan platforms and is a mum of two lovely children, Cora and Callan. 
What do you particularly enjoy about your business or blog?
Blogging has become such a lovely way for me to document my thoughts and experiences and I love having a platform to write about whatever I feel passionately about. It’s been really nice connecting with people I wouldn’t otherwise have met and I’m loving building a little community of like-minded people around me.
What are you looking forward to sharing during the Hiho SSS event?
Oooh, so I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and chatting about all things style, particularly about how we can build our own personal style.
What’s your superpower?
My super-power?? Honestly, I have no idea?! I’m pretty tolerant and empathetic - I like to think I see the good in people.
What’s something you’re not so good at?
Once I’m done, I’m done. The decision is made, I walk away and that’s it and there’s no persuading me otherwise.
What are you looking forward to learning/seeing at SSS?
I’m really excited to learn about how to pose better for photographs and keen to pick the photographers brains a bit!
One thing that we might not know about you?
For someone who shares a lot of their life on social media, you might be surprised at how much I keep private. Something you might not know...  well, I once got so drunk on a first date that I fell asleep in my meal (that story warrants it’s own blog post in fact!)
What are you most proud of?
My children. I’m totally in awe of the fact that I made and raised them to be such amazing little people.
Any advice for anyone coming to SSS?
Don’t be nervous about coming alone if there’s no-one to come with you - we’re a really friendly bunch, the day will be so social and we’ll make sure you feel super welcome 
Tea or coffee?
Tea. Black or herbal
Favourite cake?
Chocolate 100% is there any other kind?
Something you can’t live without?
I’m assuming my family are a given so an object I can’t live without would be ... my iPhone. I mean, obviously I COULD live without it but I really wouldn’t want to!
Filter or No filter?
Ooh, filter all the way!
Have you thought about what you’re wearing for the event?
Yes, I’m busy outfit planning but not quite decided on the one for the day itself. I’m thinking September is officially Autumn so I can finally wear some of the autumnal clothing I’ve bought for the season.
Where can we find you online?

Fancy coming and joining us for the day? Buy your tickets here: 

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